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"The club would like to place on record its sincere disappointment that Dimitri Payet did not show the same commitment and respect to West Ham United that the club and fans showed him," Sullivan said in a statement. He stunned West Ham boss Slaven Bilic earlier this month when he admitted he wanted to leave during the January transfer window and refused to play in their match against Crystal Palace.


For Marseille, under their new American owner Frank McCourt, Payet represents a notable coup, the player arriving days after veteran French defender Patrice Evra turned up at the Velodrome on a China frameless glass door company free transfer from Juventus.He was erased from their WhatsApp team conversations and excluded from team dinners and had also attracted the ire of the fans.Payet underwent the traditional medical in Marseille Sunday, with the south-coast club confirming his arrival overnight. He said he would not play for the London club again as he and his wifes priority was a return to France and his former team.

"Payet joined West Ham from Marseille for 10 million in 2015 and only last February signed a new 125,000 a week five-and-a-half-year contract.Payet starred for the Premier League side last season scoring 12 goals but he had effectively gone on strike at the beginning of the month.Having turned down two bids West Ham changed their tune with a higher offer and also having signed Scotland international Robert Snodgrass from Hull.


His photograph outside the ground had to be guarded by a steward at home matches and the fans normal laudatory chant of him was replaced by more abusive terms.Earlier in the day West Ham United had confirmed "a 25m fee" had been agreed.

"To be frank, my Board and I would have preferred for him to have stayed in order to make an example of him, as no player is bigger than the club.Payet, who starred for France in last years Euro 2016 championships where they lost to Portugal in the final, had been demoted to train with the Under-23 side as he was frozen out by Bilic and his team-mates after his refusal to play.London: Dimitri Payets acrimonious divorce from West Ham ended late Sunday as the France international signed for former club Marseille in a 30 million euro deal.Marseille, under coach Rudi Garcia, are placed sixth in Ligue 1 following Fridays 5-1 rout of Montpellier when former Manchester United stalwart Evra made his debut.. But the Premier League sides co-chairman David Sullivan expressed his disappointment at Payet and said the club would like to have made an example of him. "After having satisfied the medical requirements Dimitri Payet on Sunday night signed his four-and-a-half year contract with Olympique Marseille," Marseilles official website announced

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[ ۱۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۲۶:۰۸ ] [ styamericle ]

Washington: You may want to gift a dog to your baby as a recent study has suggested that a pet early in life may alter gut bacteria in immune-boosting ways.The latest findings from Kozyrskyj and her teams work on fecal samples collected from infants registered in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development study build on two decades of research that show children who grow up with dogs have lower rates of asthma. In other words, even if the dog had been given away for adoption just before the woman gave birth, the healthy microbiome exchange could still take place. But dont rush out to adopt a furry friend just yet.Her team of 12, including study co-author and U of A post-doctoral fellow Hein Min Tun, take the science one step closer to understanding the connection by identifying that exposure to pets in the womb or up to three months after birth increases the abundance of two bacteria, Ruminococcus hidden frame supported glass curtain wall and Oscillospira, which have been linked with reduced childhood allergies and obesity, respectively.

The study also showed that the immunity-boosting exchange occurred even in three birth scenarios known for reducing immunity, as shown in Kozyrskyjs previous work: C-section versus vaginal delivery, antibiotics during birth and lack of breastfeeding.The study suggested that the presence of pets in the house reduced the likelihood of the transmission of vaginal GBS (group B Strep) during birth, which causes pneumonia in newborns and is prevented by giving mothers antibiotics during delivery.

"Its not far-fetched that the pharmaceutical industry will try to create a supplement of these microbiomes, much like was done with probiotics," she said. The study appears in the journal Microbiome.The theory is that exposure to dirt and bacteria early in life--for example, in a dogs fur and on its paws--can create early immunity, though researchers arent sure whether the effect occurs from bacteria on the furry friends or from human transfer by touching the pets, said Kozyrskyj.Its far too early to predict how this finding will play out in the future, but Kozyrskyj doesnt rule out the concept of a "dog in a pill" as a preventive tool for allergies and obesity."The abundance of these two bacteria were increased twofold when there was a pet in the house," said Kozyrskyj, adding that the pet exposure was shown to affect the gut microbiome indirectly--from dog to mother to unborn baby--during pregnancy as well as during the first three months of the babys life.

The University of Alberta study showed that babies from families with pets--70 per cent of which were dogs--showed higher levels of two types of microbes associated with lower risks of allergic disease and obesity."Theres definitely a critical window of time when gut immunity and microbes co-develop, and when disruptions to the process result in changes to gut immunity," said pediatric epidemiologist Anita Kozyrskyj

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[ ۲۷ آذر ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۸:۴۶:۰۰ ] [ styamericle ]

"I am certain overall kharif foodgrain output will be more than last year," he said. Similarly, acreage under sugarcane has gone up to 49. "It is lower so far, but the sowing window is not over. Production of paddy stood at 96.49 lakh hectare in the same period last year.04 million tonnes due to higher acreage and good monsoon for the second straight year, Agriculture Secretary Shobhana K Pattanayak said on Sunday. While there were floods in some states, there was drought -like situation in parts of Karnataka, he said, adding that there has still been close to 3 per cent jump in the acreage under kharif crops so far.12 MT, coarse cereals at 32.48 lakh hectare in the year-ago period on account of good rains and better prices.71 lakh hectare from 45.

"South interior Karnataka continues to be problematic, but some rains had come, lets see," he said. In the 2016-17 kharif season, foodgrain output was record at 138.8 MT, cotton at 30.09 MT, China glass fence pulses at 9. However, oilseeds acreage was down at 148. "The cotton acreage has gone up substantially, but part of the area is affected in Gujarat due to floods. Till last week, farmers had sown kharif crops in 878. About 19 lakh hectare of crop area has been affected by floods across the country and farmers are likely to take up other kharif crops once the water recedes, he said, expressing concern about poor rains in some parts of Karnataka.

Overall, it is not bad.64 lakh hectare in the said period because of good monsoon and timely payment of cane arrears by sugar mills.28 lakh hectare as against 116.93 lakh hectare, while pulses covered 121." As per the data, cotton acreage has increased to 114.03 lakh hectare, as against 266.23 lakh hectare as against 855. So far, more than 80 per cent of the sowing of kharif crops -- paddy, pulses, oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane and jute -- has been completed and the planting will continue in some parts till next month, Pattanayak told PTI in an interview.85 lakh hectare in the year-ago period, as per the Agriculture Ministrys latest data. Paddy - the main kharif (summer) crop - was sown in 280." He said the overall acreage for all pulses is higher, except tur. Pattanayak said farmers in flood-hit areas will replant other crops in 19 lakh hectare once water recedes, but the situation in Karnataka has not yet improved.34 lakh hectare so far in the 2017-18 kharif season from 96.

With regard to cash crop, he said that the overall area sown to cotton and sugarcane is higher than last year so far and the output is also expected to be better. They (farmers) will take up little later on marginal lands.88 lakh hectare till last week of the kharif season from 165. Farmers may grow other crops like pulses.5 million bales in the 2016-17 kharif season, as per the ministrys data. This, Pattanayak said, should not be an issue.84 MT, oilseeds at 22.04 million tonnes while previous record was 128.New Delhi: Foodgrain output in the ongoing 2017-18 kharif season is likely to surpass last years record of 138.95 lakh hectare in the said period.65 MT achieved during the 2013-14 kharif season

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[ ۱۹ آذر ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۳۷:۰۹ ] [ styamericle ]

The researchers also replicated the mutation identified in the gene GPT2 in lab cultures and mouse models to understand how the altered DNA cause the disease. Like the children with GPT2 mutations, developing mice with the mutations also showed reduced neural and brain growth.Spastic paraplegia is generally considered to involve a neurodegenerative cause."In addition to the relevance this has to the diagnosis of developmental disorders, and potentially therapeutics, it is also a window into how the brain develops and how the brain China aluminium awning window functions," Morrow said. Moreover, the G in the gene name stands for glutamate, an important neurotransmitter that governs how brain cells, orneurons, connect and interact.

They created models in which the mutations were induced in human cells and also in mice.The team traced a genetic mutation to chromosome 16, and they were able to find two specific mutations in GPT2. "This is a clear, new neurogenetic disorder due to mutations in GPT2," said Eric Morrow, associate professor at the Brown University in the US. Spastic paraplegia is generally considered to involve a neurodegenerative cause, Morrow said.The children, 14 in all across the two large families, typically were able to walk by age three, yet a majority lost that ability later as motor control diminished in their legs, as a condition called spastic paraplegia emerged.

Scientists have identified the genetic mutations behind a rare, unnamed neurological disorder that was identified among siblings in two families from Pakistan and Oman.In the human cells they saw that mutations led to reduced enzyme activity. The team began the investigation more than five years ago when they were studying two families in Pakistan and Oman with children whose symptoms included below-normal postnatal brain growth, intellectual disability and progressively worsening motor problems.The consequences of the mutations appear to be in leaving developing brains without biosynthetic abilities to grow properly, and to deficits in metabolites that could help prevent degeneration.

"To find a glutamate metabolising enzyme that is associated with a brain disease is an opportunity to understand how that neurotransmitter might work or bemodulated," Morrow said. The gene GPT2 is expressed in the nucleus of cells, but the enzyme it generates appears vital to metabolic pathways in the mitochondria, organelles which provide energy and biosynthetic building blocks to cells, researchers said. They also determined that the protein locates in the mitochondria. The research was published in the journal PNAS

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[ ۲۷ آبان ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۴۷:۵۲ ] [ styamericle ]

Experts say it is one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered. The big surprise came a few weeks after very hard work when we realised there were so many other bones there as well.The remains of the giant herbivore, which would have lived 100 million years ago, were excavated in the desert near La Flecha, 135 miles (216 kilometres) west of Trelew, by the Argentinian team.A cast and fossils from a brand new species of titanosaur, one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered, went on display on Thursday in New York for the first time.Mark Norell, chair of paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History, said titanosaurus lived on every continent, and predicted more discoveries, particularly in relatively unexplored parts of Patagonia and Central Asia.

Paleontologist Diego Pol, who helped lead the excavations, told AFP that the discovery was a “once in a lifetime” moment. Before, experts had just a few bones.With its neck elevated, the titanosaur would have been tall enough to peer into the window of a five-story building, the museum said.2 metres) long.One femur found at the site is among five original fossils on temporary view with the China glass curtain wall Manufacturers titanosaur model in New York, before they go back to the museum in Argentina.The colossal exhibit unveiled at the American Museum of Natural History is 122 feet long.

“It’s a rather unique feeling and it’s really exciting.Experts say that young herding animals can become isolated from their group and die of stress and hunger, often near water resources.“So we couldn’t understand completely how these animals were moving around, how fast they were growing, all sorts of questions that relate to trying to understand these fantastic animals,” Pol said.The real fossils would have been far too heavy to mount, so the life-size model is made up of 3D prints made of fibreglass of the bones.A rancher initially tipped off the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio that he spotted something, but it was only when Pol’s team began digging that they realised they were onto something big.The species lived in the forests of modern-day Patagonia 100 to 95 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period.It comes from a species so newly-discovered that its scientific name has not yet been formally released, say the paleontologists who made the extraordinary find in 2014, in Argentina’s Patagonia region.“It’s very exciting when you’re uncovering sediment that buried an animal 100 million years ago and you’re the first person taking this femur out and bringing it for the first time back to the surface,” he said.The colossal exhibit unveiled at the American Museum of Natural History is 122 feet (37.The animal was a young adult of unknown ***, that would have weighed 70 tons or as much as 10 African elephants, the museum said. The animal was a young adult of unknown ***, that would have weighed 70 tons.”In total, 223 fossil bones from six of the creatures were discovered at the site, all young adults who died at different times from a few years to centuries apart..The story of the dramatic discovery and the new animal has been made into a BBC documentary, to be broadcast in Britain on January 24 and in the United States on PBS on February 17.

His team worked 18 months on seven different expeditions to get all the fossils from the excavation site to their museum in Argentina. The giant cast took a firm in Canada more than six months to make, based on 84 fossil bones that were excavated from the site in 2014.“It is the first time we have a fairly complete skeleton of the giant titanosaurus,” Pol told AFP.Each bone was protected in plaster during transportation, and getting a plaster jacket for the femur alone took a week with five people working eight hours a day, Pol told reporters. It is so enormous that its head and neck extend out of the room into a lobby near the elevators.They even had to build a road in the remote region to allow trucks and machinery to transport all the bones back to the museum, he added. So that was a great moment. It is so enormous that its head and neck extend out of the room into a lobby near the elevators

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